Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to: Single-Walled Vs Double-Walled Tents for Camping, Backpacking, & Climbing Trips

Camping comfortably can mean the difference between being restored every night of our camping, backpacking, or alpine climbing adventure, and reaching our goal, or slowly getting drained to the point where we have to quit. One of the first things to consider about our camp strategy is whether to take a single-walled or double-walled tent. The full video offers some of the pros and cons of each.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

Camping, Backpacking, and Mountaineering: The Pros and Cons of Internal Tent Poles

As I keep saying, all things in mountaineering, backpacking, and camping have pros and cons. There are no perfect solutions or perfect gear. In this quick tip, we talk about how tents with tent poles designed to be pitched from the inside can be great in some circumstances but a problem in others. Perhaps this will be a consideration for you as you plan gear for your next trip.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

Winter Camping & Backpacking Fundamentals: First Move is to Stomp Out Your Tent Platform

We can conform snow to meet our backpacking, alpine climbing, and winter camping campsite needs. One of things we need is a firmer surface to hold in tent stakes and support us as we sleep. The lowest-cost way to do that is to make sure you stomp out your tent platform as soon as you arrive, giving the snow time to set.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to How to Build Snow Walls to Protect Your Basecamp or Winter Alpine Climbing Camp

When we go climbing in the winter, take on alpine climbs in the shoulder seasons, or go to high altitude, we are likely to face camping in the snow. If we are going to keep a camp at a single location for a longer period of time, or if we are facing whipping winds, we may want to build snow walls to better shelter our tent. The full video shares how to build them.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Winter Camping is a Mountaineering Skill. My Kids On a Deeply Cold 48 Hours Out

Climbing big mountains in anything more than a day, may demand that you cold-weather camp as well as you climb. It's the key to your recovery at the end of each day. My twin eight-year-old wanted to try winter camping in truly cold weather. It got down to -6 F (-21C). The full video goes into what I was thinking about and focused on teaching them during these 48 hours out.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Trailer to Locus Gear Djedi Tent 1 Year Review: Ultralight Backpacking, Camping, & Climbing

A cottage brand out of Japan, Locus Gear, has made a free standing, ultralight, dome tent with four-season toughness by producing a fabric combination of Dyneema and eVent. It's called the Djedi. After using it for a year on camping trips, backpacking trips, and alpine climbing trips, in the full video, I provide a complete review.

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