Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips, Quick Tips, Quick Tips (01) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips, Quick Tips (01) Jason Kolaczkowski

Alpine Gear Rust Removal: Naval Jelly for Ice Axes, Tools, and Crampons

Take care of your gear that takes care of you. It isn't the flashy part of alpine climbing and mountaineering, but it's necessary and important. Keeping rust off of your gear can extend the life of your ice axe, ice tools, and crampons as well as give you more confidence in your climbing equipment so that you can focus on climbing your best.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips, Quick Tips (01) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips, Quick Tips (01) Jason Kolaczkowski

Ice Axe Basic Snow Travel: Walking “In Balance”

Ice Axes serve two main functions: to keep you from falling, using "self belay" techniques, and to stop your fall from shooting you down the slope by using "self arrest" techniques. In this clip, we talk about the foundation of uphill travel on snow: walking "in balance." In the full video, we cover the basics of self belay for winter travel, talking about the different ways to use an ice axe in combination with our feet, depending upon our footwear and snow conditions.

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