Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

There are Many Ways to Tie a Kiwi Coil. Here is the Way I Use for Mixed Alpine Climbing

If you need to be able to come out of the rope easily, like during a crevasse rescue, you may tie a Kiwi Coil one way. If you need to temporarily shorten and then lengthen the rope, you may tie a Kiwi Coil another way. If you are going to stay tied in all day, like for mixed alpine climbing, you may want to tie a Kiwi Coil this way.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

Taking Effective Rests When Snow Climbing and Mixed Climbing is All About Foot Position

Climbers new to climbing on snow or on mixed terrain are likely to experience calf fatigue. When we are in the alpine, the consequences of a calf muscle giving out can be very high. So, make sure you get off of your front points whenever you can to maximize the benefits of your resting position.

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