Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips, Quick Tips (05) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (05) Jason Kolaczkowski

The Half Gibbs Offset Bend: How to Tie It and Why to Use It

The Half Gibbs Offset Bend can join two ropes of unequal diameter, and is easy to untie after loading. It is also less prone to rolling than a Flat Overhand Bend. All of this makes it a good solution for joining two climbing ropes (or a climbing rope and a skinnier tagline) for rappels (abseils). But, can you tie it on the tenth rappel, in the dark, and hypoxic? Here is how we tie this knot.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (05) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (05) Jason Kolaczkowski

A Procedure to Avoid Dropping Your Belay Device When Up on a Climb

On a multi-pitch climb, if you drop a piece of gear you simply have to do without it for - what could be - quite a bit more climbing. Climbing gear that we call upon as we do lots of different important tasks, like our belay device, becomes even more crucial to keep hold of. Here is how we remove our belay devices from the rope to reduce the likelihood of dropping it.

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