Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

Boiling Water. Reused Water Bottles. Potential Damage on Your Backpacking or Camping Trip

Reusing those plastic bottles from a beverage purchase may leach BPA into your water (maybe a topic for another video). But I also know from many conversations that some people will do it anyway because it can save money and weight and they don't do it that often. Well, for those of you who are willing to accept the risk, there is also a practical consideration: the lips on the mouths of those water bottles can melt when pouring boiling water making them unable to be closed. So, you can take this simple, light, piece of gear to avoid at least that problem when backpacking or camping in the winter.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Winter Camping is a Mountaineering Skill. My Kids On a Deeply Cold 48 Hours Out

Climbing big mountains in anything more than a day, may demand that you cold-weather camp as well as you climb. It's the key to your recovery at the end of each day. My twin eight-year-old wanted to try winter camping in truly cold weather. It got down to -6 F (-21C). The full video goes into what I was thinking about and focused on teaching them during these 48 hours out.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

The Klemheist and Hedden Hitches in Climbing Applications

Some climbers have moved away from using the Prusik hitch to the Klemheist hitch as a friction hitch on the rope because they are easier to tie (especially with gloves). Although a Klemheist can have varying degrees of bite on the rope in different directions of pull, unlike a Prusik. That has led to the question: "What if I accidently tie a Klemheist backwards?" As long as you dress it, the "backwards" Klemheist becomes a Hedden hitch, and is still effective.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Comparing A-Threads and V-Threads for Ice Climbing Anchor Strength (Copy)

The girth hitch, or larksfoot, master point climbing anchor has come into vogue, with climbers extolling the virtues of their ease to tie and untie along with the minimal gear needed to make them. But, like all things in climbing, there are pros and cons to these climbing anchors, and we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of some of our options when we construct them.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Two Methods of Dividing the Rope for Glacier Travel

When we form a rope team for glacier travel on a mountaineering route, we need to get the tie in points placed efficiently. While we may make different decisions on how far apart to place climbers based upon the crevasse sizes, the mix of terrain, and communication difficulties, we will always end up at the need to divide the rope and tie the knots where we want them. The full video provides two methods for doing so.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (04) Jason Kolaczkowski

There are Many Ways to Tie a Kiwi Coil. Here is the Way I Use for Mixed Alpine Climbing

If you need to be able to come out of the rope easily, like during a crevasse rescue, you may tie a Kiwi Coil one way. If you need to temporarily shorten and then lengthen the rope, you may tie a Kiwi Coil another way. If you are going to stay tied in all day, like for mixed alpine climbing, you may want to tie a Kiwi Coil this way.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Which Climbing Carabiner Gate Styles Resist Jamming with Snow and Freezing Best?

If you've ever had a carabiner freeze shut or freeze open, you know how troubling or potentially dangerous it can be. While we always want to try to find the right carabiner for the job, when we add in snow, ice, and cold we need to also consider how resistant our carabiner styles are to freezing. The full video shows an experiment I ran to compare how well (or not well) different gate styles stood up to harsh, cold conditions.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Climbing Slings, Knots, and Anchors: Are Knots in Slings a Good Practice?

Knots weaken soft climbing materials like slings, but we tie knots in slings all the time. Particularly the high forces that anchors can face during multi-pitch climbing will make us want to be sure our anchors are reliable. So, why do so many people tie knots in anchor slings? And isn't this worse with dyneema? The full video goes deep into this topic.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Are Battery-Heated Gloves Worth It for Backcountry Hiking, Camping, or Climbing?

When we go climbing, camping, or hiking in the backcountry during the winter, we tend to stay out longer and experience more extreme conditions. As advances in technology have improved battery-heated gloves, the full video explores if they are now able to perform well enough and long enough to make them worth having in your gear closet.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview of Climbing in Winter: What to Expect Mountaineering on 13ers and 14ers (4000m)

Winter peak climbing has its own unique challenges. Borrowing from my winter mountaineering experiences on Colorado 14ers, Colorado 13ers, and my climbs around the world, the full video shares what new winter climbers can expect so that they may better prepare themselves for the challenges of summiting in the coldest months.

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