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Every full length (longer than 60 seconds) video and accompanying blog post

How-To (07) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (07) Jason Kolaczkowski

Have We Been Rappelling WRONG!? A No Tether Multi-Pitch Rappel

While the "backside clove hitch" method of connecting to the anchor is getting more and more popular for ascending routes, we can extend that same thinking to a multi-pitch rappel. The method was developed to address the problem with managing knots in the ends of our rope, as we need to remove them to pull the rope but need to add back for the next rappel, which creates opportunities for mistakes. Here's how it works.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Taking an Improvised Climbing Harness Up and Down Multiple Pitches: What I Made and Why

On a fairly recent climbing trip, I forgot my harness. That left me needing to improvise a harness or make the long trip back without getting on the rock. Here’s how I used a quad runner, a double runner, and three carabiners to make a harness that was redundant throughout and comfortable enough to go up and down a multi-pitch climb without noticeable discomfort.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Beyond Visual Checks: How Climbers Can Use Weight Transfers to Check Safety Systems

We make sure our new climbing system (belay, rappel, anchor, etc.) can take your weight before we start taking apart your previous system as we move through a climbing transition. Kind of common sense, huh? Not very enlightening. But what if we take that same concept and apply it in less obvious ways. Can keeping a mental model of "weight the new system, first" keep us safer more generally?

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Backpacking, Apex Trips, Summer, Camping, Climbing Jason Kolaczkowski Backpacking, Apex Trips, Summer, Camping, Climbing Jason Kolaczkowski

Revisited: a Short "Movie" of a Family Camping and Climbing Trip

Four years into our channel, the boys and I made a full-circle trip to the location where we filmed our very first video. Like any full-circle event, it prompted some reflection on how far we’ve come as a family, how much the boys have grown and matured, and how I’ve come to live with some personal struggles. We’ve made a short video that celebrates this trip that was four years in the making.

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Build Your Own Pulk Sled to Access Winter Camps or Big Mountain Climbing Objectives

Winter climbing trips are often extended from one to two day affairs, or even longer. Trailhead access can be further away as only main roads remain open. And then approach hikes take longer due to difficult conditions, as well. If we need more time out in the backcountry, and now need to set camps, we may want to haul, rather than carry in all that bulky, winter gear. Here is how to build a Pulk Sled that is light and efficient enough for those local trips but also robust enough to stand up to expedition rigors.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Backcountry Luxury: Making a Kitchen at Your Snow Camp Using a Pyramid Tent

If I'm going to be winter camping, on snow, in the same place for a while - think an expedition basecamp or a long-weekend outing - I will often make a dedicated kitchen in camp. With appropriate snow depth, a pyramid tent kitchen is my preferred version to make because it grants shelter, mobility, and better ergonomics. Here is more on why, and a lot more on how, I build them.

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Climbing Gear, Technical Climbing Gear Jason Kolaczkowski Climbing Gear, Technical Climbing Gear Jason Kolaczkowski

My Crampons Don't Fit! Small Boots Make Crampon Toes Loose but We Have Options

I’m not a big man. I’m 5’ 6” or a little less than 1.5 meters tall. I weigh about 140 pounds or less than 65 kilograms. While that is good for not having to take a lot of bulk up alpine objectives, it does mean that fitting into equipment can be hard. The most troubling, for me, was getting my small boots to lock in at the toe of my crampons without having room to slide around from side to side. Here is a deeper dive into crampon toe attachment options for people with smaller boots.

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Climbing Gear, Technical Climbing Gear Jason Kolaczkowski Climbing Gear, Technical Climbing Gear Jason Kolaczkowski

What Type of Crampon's Do I Need? A Guide to Front Points for New Winter Climbers

Each new climbing season brings with it a group of climbers who are new to climbing in that season. And now it is winter. It's always someone's first time peak bagging through the snow drifts after years of dry-weather hiking. It's always someone's first time on ice. It's always someone's climb up that choss-filled gully that is now covered in an inviting blanket of consolidated snow. These new winter climbers probably have equipment questions, and the one I get the most is about why the different front-point styles for crampons? Well, let's get into it.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Our Climbing, Backpacking, or Trekking Expedition isn't Over Until We Do This Retrospective

No climbing, backpacking, or trekking expedition goes perfectly. We get some things in planning and executing the expedition just right, but we also don't do enough of some things (like, maybe, communication) or too much of others (like, maybe, overtraining). So, we like to enable continuous improvement by doing a facilitated retrospective on a completed expedition. What we learn from everyone's unique perspectives helps leverage strengths and avoid pitfalls when we head out on the next big trip.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Climbing, Backpacking, or Trekking: Expedition Team Dynamics Start with the Prep Work

Trust is key to any team endeavor, and belief in our teammates is just as key to an expedition's success. It doesn't matter if we are climbing, backpacking, or trekking. Multi-day adventures in the outdoors can hinge on our ability to lean on one another. Our family's trek of the Tour de Mont Blanc proved to be one example. The full video describes how the training we put into fitness and shared systems, which we have to do anyway, can be multiplied in the value they bring to expedition teams.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Getting Your Gear Where It Needs to Go! Logistics Planning for Expeditions

For any expedition, whether to climb, trek, or do anything else, we’ve got to get ourselves and our gear to the right places at the right time. What we need for the travel segments will be different than what we need during the adventure portions of the trip, and we need to make sure that - as silly as it sounds - the people and the gear meet up when needed. That’s logistics. And there is a lot that goes into logistics planning for an expedition. Here's a mental model to help get us started.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Mulit-Pitch Climbing Safety: Extending a Belay Away from the Anchor in an Exposed Position

In Marc Chauvin and Rob Coppolillo’s book “The Mountain Guide Manual,” they discuss various systems designed to speed parties along technical terrain, including options for improving communication. When in blocky terrain, where a lead climber at a belay stance may not normally be able to see or clearly communicate with a following climber, they provide this option for safely moving the belay back from the anchor when in an exposed position so as to keep both the leader and the follower secure, and with better line of sight and communication, throughout the process.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Turn Your Climbing Rope into a Rescue Stretcher in Minutes

In Ian Nicholson’s excellent book “Climbing Self-Rescue,” he provides a description of this stretcher you can make even if you have no additional materials other than the climbing rope that you already have with you. When we are climbing fast and light and aren’t taking trekking poles, skis, or other solid objects with us, this is a handy technique to have available should an accident occur.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Ascending a Vertical Fixed Line Using Nothing But that Climbing Rope

I was asked if I could think of a way to ascend a single-strand, fixed climbing rope, using nothing but that rope. Well, I thought of one. Here's a video on the mental approach I took to solving the problem, along with a step-by-step guide. It serves no practical purpose, but it might be an interesting look at how we can take knowledge of system components and build a whole new system.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Want a Skinny, Light Tag Line on Your Rappel from a Climb? Consider These Risks, First

The proliferation of new light-but-strong materials has led to some questions about just how skinny and light a tag line (a static rope used just to retrieve your main rope) can be when used for a rappel (abseil). Well, there are some considerations that we need to keep in mind if we decide to save weight by going super light with a tag line. Here, we get into the risks we add as well as how to mitigate them.

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How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

The "Double Fix" Knot Pass Technique on Rappel (Abseil)

If we have a single point of damage on our climbing rope and need to rappel (abseil), two climbers can work as a team and use two different instances of fixing the rope to perform two different single-strand rappels. We then avoid having to use time-consuming knot passing techniques by avoiding, rather than passing, that knot. Here's how we do it.

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