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Every full length (longer than 60 seconds) video and accompanying blog post

Family Dynamics, How-To, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski Family Dynamics, How-To, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski

Understanding Base Fitness to Climb Higher and Hike Farther

Do you have an outdoor goal? A peak to summit, a big route to climb, a trail to hike? Or maybe you just have a particular fitness goal: a one-armed pullup or a three hundred pound squat.

Before you get into the specific mountaineering training, or alpine climbing training, or hiking training routines, you need to start with "base fitness," a total-body level of fitness that prepares you to put in the heavier work you may need to get you to your goals.

This video covers the different aspects of total-body fitness that you need to understand and train before you get into your more advanced routines.

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Family Dynamics, How-To, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski Family Dynamics, How-To, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski

How to Establish a Healthy Family Fitness Habit: 8 Principles to Ready You for the Outdoors and Life

Fitness is necessary for us to safely pursue our outdoor adventures, but it also a necessary part of of day-to-day health and lives. And there is never a bad time to start a lifetime relationship with fitness. But how do you start yourself or your kids down that path? We share eight principles that help us make fitness and exercise something we want to do rather than have to do. And once you enjoy training your body (and mind), then from there the sky can be the limit!

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How-To, Family Dynamics, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, Family Dynamics, How-To (01) Jason Kolaczkowski

How to Snowshoe Bonus: Lessons We've Learned to Help Make Our Family Snowshoeing Trips Successful

This is a bonus, fifth installment in our how to snowshoe series. In this video, both parents discuss some of the lessons we've learned and changes we've made to our gear and mental approach to having the kids out in the cold with us. Just a few adjustments have made all the difference in making our winter wonderland trips just that. With the COVID pandemic still limiting our indoor options, and with winter putting a cap on our outdoor options, this winter could look bleak for some families. We offer up the snowshoe series to help families access this low-cost, easy solution. You and your family can still go winter hiking and still get into the outdoors, even as the weather changes.

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