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Every full length (longer than 60 seconds) video and accompanying blog post

How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Keep Kids Hands Warm for Winter Climbing, Hiking, & Camping: Glove Systems Learned from Ice Climbing

Ice climbing usually demands a lot of different gloves. Different portions of ice climbing need more dexterity and therefore less insulation. Some portions are the opposite. Some portions expose your hands to a lot of water. Here's how the approach ice climbers use to pick gloves to bring can help us think through how different gloves, in combination, can help us ensure our kids have warm hands on their climbing, hiking, and camping adventures in winter.

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How I Made Kids' Crampons that Fit Small Feet and are Truly Climbing-Worth

Ice climbing. Snow couloir climbing. Even mixed climbing. My kids want to do it all, but off-the-shelf crampons can't fit on their small feet. Here's how I took advantage of the new trend in modular crampon manufacturing to make some crampons that I'd be willing to wear but fit on my kids and work with their limited boot options.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

5 Knots for Climbing Up and Rappelling Down

Before I took my kids rock climbing on their first multi-pitch route, I wanted to make sure they had the skills for getting up the route but also the skills for rappelling (abseiling) down if weather or other circumstances forced a retreat. Part of that education was learning to tie a figure eight retrace (follow through), clove hitch, girth hitch (larksfoot), figure eight on a bight, and an autoblock hitch, which are key to their climbing and rappelling systems. Here's how we tie and most frequently use these five knots.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Kids on 3000' of Rock Climbing: Some Less-Discussed Things I Shared with New Multi-Pitch Climbers

There are lots of important safety practices that go into multi-pitch climbing: building good anchors, swapping or blocking leads, efficient rope management, safety practices like first and second pieces of protection off the anchor, etc. This stuff is well covered, nuanced, and - yes - important. They have to be understood and practiced. But after doing two 1500 foot climbs with two 7 year old kids, I noticed a few other things that these two new multi-pitch climbers also needed to spend some attention on. Maybe it will help those who are new to multi-pitch climbing.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Single Strand Method to Transition from Climbing to Lowering at an Anchor With Narrow Hardware

Any time you change systems in a vertical environment, you are inviting risk and therefore potential consequences. Switching from climbing up a rock climb to lowering down is one of those circumstances. And then there is the added complexity of different anchor setups requiring different steps in that transition process. This video goes through the process of both cleaning an anchor and direct lowering when coming to a two-bolt anchor with narrow fixed hardware such as tightly linked chains.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Bight of Rope Method to Transition from Climbing to Lowering at a Links or Rappel Rings Anchor

Often the riskiest part of sport climbing is the transition at the top of the climb from leading to lowering. Different anchors require different steps in that transition in order to stay safe and backed-up in case something goes wrong. This video goes through the process of both cleaning an anchor and direct lowering when coming to a two-bolt anchor with rappel rings or links.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Cleaning an Anchor and Transitioning from Climbing to Lowering Off with Mussy Hooks

Potentially, the transition from climbing to lowering can be the most dangerous part of sport climbing. Setting up a system without any additional eyes to check your work increases the danger, and facing different permanent hardware setups means we need to know how to manage those scenarios. This video walks through how to safely transition from at the top of a climb when facing two mussy hooks, both when cleaning an anchor or when lowering directly.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

A Mental Checklist to Stay Safe While Leading Sport Climbing

Our kids just completed their first sport climbing leads and their first multi-pitch climbs. We are continuing to shed some light on how we got ourselves and our kids ready so that they could make those advances in their climbing journeys. Today, we are talking about the mental checklist we impart to any new sport climbing leaders to make sure they were staying as safe as possible when up on the sharp end of the rope.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Getting New Rock Climbers Ready for Sport Lead Climbing

Our kids hit a few rock climbing milestones, this year, putting up their first sport climbing leads and completing their first multi-pitch climbs as seconds. Today, we are sharing how the kids progressed in skills and how we gave them exposure to some of the different demands of climbing so that we all felt comfortable letting them head up on lead.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Rock Features, Grips, and Moves: Climbing Terms for New Rock Climbers

To get better at any endeavor, we need a way to talk about it. New rock climbers are not an exception. In this video, we describe and name some basic rock features, grip and foot placement types, and rock climbing techniques. This rock climbing vocabulary will help new climbers discuss their climbing with others, hopefully stimulating help, collaboration, and improvement.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Climbing Commands You NEED to Know for Safe Climbing

Communication between climbing partners is a fundamental part of maintaining safety. Surprises create risk because you can't plan for things you can't anticipate. Solid communication can reduce surprises. Before attempting nuanced multi-partner, multi-pitch, or complicated alpine climbs, here's how we taught the new climbers in our family - our kids - good communication while working comparatively simply top rope climbs. These communication habits will form the foundation of a lifetime of safe climbing.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

Teaching Kids to Belay: A Progression of Learning While Maintaining Safety

Our kids are young and very into rock climbing. Our philosophy has always been to empower them, and that demands they take on increasing responsibilities for safety as they become ready. If they have always been partners in keeping themselves safe they will more likely continue to be safety conscious as they enjoy a lifetime of climbing. One major milestone in that climbing journey is learning proper top rope belaying. This is how we taught our young kids how to top rope belay while ensuring we kept everyone safe along the way.

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What's on In My Climbing Rack? Climbing Gear that I Take on Every Climb

While the choice about taking ice screws or nuts or cams or pickets will always depend on route conditions and the route, itself, there are a few items that I take climbing on every trip, whether dry rock, snow, or ice, whether at the crag, in the alpine, or on a glacier. This gear helps me deal with any eventuality from standard climbing needs to terrain beyond my free climbing ability, to rescues.

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How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski How-To, How-To (03) Jason Kolaczkowski

South African Rappel (Abseil): When and How to Use This Emergency Rappel When Climbing

The South African Rappel or South African Abseil is a technique that can get you down a single-pitch cliff using nothing but a rope when out climbing, scrambling, or even hiking. When and why would you use this rappel technique? How do you perform the rappel, safely? We provide answers to these questions in this video.

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Blue Ice Choucas Pro Harness Review for Alpine Climbing, Alpine Scrambles, and Multi-Pitch Climbing

Blue Ice produces some excellent minimalist and ultralight gear for alpine climbing and ski mountaineering. This video reviews the Choucas Pro harness and discusses the pros and cons as well as some climbing genres where the harness may excel.

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