Short clips

Trailers to full length videos and stand-alone quick tips; everything we make that is under 60 seconds

Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Foot Lock Climbing Rope Ascension Case Study: Just Because We Can Doesn't Mean We Should

Minimalism can mean added safety through simplicity. But when does minimalism go too far? Here we use an example of a foot lock and a single prusik for rope ascension. All you need for this setup is a single sling (or a sling and a carabiner). But it leaves us exposed to lack of redundancy on a friction hitch that can (and has) failed. If we were to choose something so minimal, what might we do to add safety margin to the setup? At what point does having more gear just make sense?

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

A Climbing Knot Variation on the Trucker's Hitch to Ensure Ease of Untying

When we tie our expensive gear down to a vehicle or a sled, we want to make sure that it is both secure and easy to get untied. Making a variation on the Trucker’s Hitch by using some climbing knots that are explicitly used to secure loads while being comparatively releasable can ensure that we accomplish both goals.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to Descending a Taut Climbing Rope: Moving Down on Friction Hitches

If we have a climbing rope loaded below us (maybe a climber is unconscious and weighting the rope), we may not be able to attach our rappel device, or even if our device was attached before the rope got loaded, being on a "fireman's belay" might keep us from moving down. The full video shares how we can descend a rope when it is pulled tight below us.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to: Teaching New Climbers the Climbing Project Mindset

We introduced our kids to "projecting" a climbing route when they first started confronting routes they had considerable difficulty with. While there are many tactics that can help, the full video gets into how we began their education by focusing on the climb at three levels of progressive detail and then setting a mindset that helped redefine success criteria based on which level of detail we were focused on for a particular attempt.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to: Learning to Lead Belay Takes More Than Learning the Mechanics

There is a lot of time and attention spent on climbing well and the climbing mindset, but what about the belayer? Particularly when on lead, belaying a climber can also be stressful, especially for those just starting out. How do we create a safe place to learn in a situation where mistakes aren’t normally acceptable? Here’s how we approached getting our new climbers (our kids) to lead belay.

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Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips Jason Kolaczkowski

Preview to: What is Complexity Rationing and How Can It Be Applied in Climbing?

Every May, we make videos on the mental side of climbing and adventure in recognition of National Mental Health Awareness Month. The full video is about how the unknowns increase in complex environments thus increasing our risk. Reducing complexity, not of systems but of the number of times we go into truly highly complex environments, may be one way to reduce our overall risk across a lifetime of climbing.

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Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski Short Clips, Quick Tips (06) Jason Kolaczkowski

Celebrating Our Small Climbing Successes When Projects Get Hard

For May’s Mental Health Awareness Month we get into some of the mental aspects of climbing and adventure. When we are climbing near our limit, we are likely to experience quite a bit of frustration and failure. Keeping in mind the incremental progress we make on our way to being a better climber and help remind us that we actually do experience many successes.

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