The Climbing Community is Great but Also Funny

Happy Thanksgiving! A little bit of Thanksgiving Day (US) humor. I love the climbing community, and I love being a part of it. But we also can be a bit funny. It's good to be skeptical of changes when lives are on the line, but the vitriol is sometimes a bit absurd. Just a couple of examples of things met with massive resistance that are now commonplace:

1) climbing on bolts

2) lowering off of fixed hardware rather than rappelling (abseiling)

3) extending rappel (abseil) devices

4) flat overhand knot to join ropes

5) the girth hitch (larksfoot) materpoint

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Trailer to Sometimes We Just Hike: A Quick Film Showing the Virtues of Simple Family Hiking


Trailer to 5 Knots for Climbing Up and Rappelling Down (Abseiling)